
Free wiccan bible
Free wiccan bible

Vines Expository Dictionary defines “pharmakeia” (translated witchcraft and sorcery in the New Testament) as: “primarily signified as ‘the use of medicine, drugs, spells,’ then “poisoning,” then “sorcery.” Drugs, aka pharmakeia, are a natural part of these activities used to open the mind to the arena of the supernatural. It’s a short journey from these activities to demon possession, Wicca, and satanic worship. Witchcraft and pharmakeia are stepping stones into the evil and dangerous supernatural world of the occult. Horoscopes are just fun, right? Ouija boards are just parlor games and Yoga is just stretching exercises, right? Marijuana ‘harmful, right? Wrong, on all counts. He can make them look tempting, but they are a means of subduing your soul and allowing demons to take control. Satan is a liar and two lies he uses to deceive many and open the door to his evil world is witchcraft and pharmakeia. Satan is also at work today and he uses the same lies that he has always used. Satan is the one who tempted Eve to eat the forbidden fruit and is also the one who was arrogant enough to try to tempt Jesus into sin. This evil being is known as Satan, the devil-Lucifer, and known by many other names. He knows that there’s an evil being who wants to destroy mankind. God doesn’t want to ruin our fun, but He wants to protect us. Many things don’t seem harmful by human reasoning, but because God knows much more than we do He warns us not to participate in them.

free wiccan bible

God hasn’t changed and neither has His rules.

free wiccan bible

God has always loved His creation and so He gives us rules to live by. In the New Testament we read “Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever” (Hebrews 13:8). God, for instance, “For I am the LORD, I change not therefore ye sons of Jacob are not consumed” (Malachi 3:6).

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